The Green Protector's COP28 Report
The Green Protector’s COP28 report serves as a comprehensive reflection of our organization’s active involvement and contributions during the Conference of Parties 28. This meticulously crafted document offers detailed insights into our participation, encompassing both formal negotiations and engagements in various side events
Environmental Story Book
Through engagement, especially with children, in 2023, we created a storybook to reach a younger audience on climate change education. This was after realizing that in environmental clubs, most of the time, there is an age gap, which can make it complicated or complex for children to understand the message to their age. We produced this booklet on climate education for 5-10-year-old children.
The Green Protector's COP28 key messages
The Green Protector developed these key messages on Loss and Damage, finance, global stocktake, and carbon market for COP28 which will be relevant to negotiators in Rwanda and East Africa which served as a benchmark for the priorities of youth demands ahead of COP28